The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract
Archaeology: Funerary United States
Deetz, J. 1977
In Small Things Forgotten: An Archaeology of Early American Life, New York: Anchor Books.
Dethlefsen, E. 1981
‘The cemetery and culture change: archaeological focus and ethnographic perspective’, in R. Gould and M. Schiffer (eds) Modern Material Culture: The Archaeology of Us, New York, NY: Academic Press, 137-159.
Jamieson, R.W. 1995
‘Material culture and social death: African-American burial practices’, Historical Archaeology, 29: 39-58.
Killoran, P., Pollack, D., Nealis, S. & Rinker, E. 2015
‘Cemetery preservation and beautification of death: investigations of unmarked early to mid-nineteenth-century burial grounds in Central Kentucky’, in A. Osterholtz (ed.) Theoretical Approaches to Analysis and Interpretation of Commingled Human Remains, Cham: Springer, 219-241.
Kraus-Friedburg, C. 2011
‘Across the Pacific: transnational context in the Japanese Plantation Workers’ Cemetery in Pãhala, Hawai’i’, International Journal of Historical Archaeology, 15:3, 381-408.
Lacy, R. 2020
Burial and Death in Colonial North America: Exploring Interment Practices and Landscapes in 17th Century British Settlements, Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing.
Lacy, R., Gaulton, B. & Piercey, S. 2018
‘Inscriptions, outcrops, and XRF: analysis of the Ferryland gravestones’, North Atlantic Archaeology Journal, 5, 91-110.
Little, B., Lanphear, K. & Owsley, D. 1992
‘Mortuary display and status in a nineteenth-century Anglo-American cemetery in Manassas, Virginia’, American Antiquity, 57, 3, 397-418.
Mack, E. & Blakey, M. 2004
‘The New York African Burial Ground Project: past biases, current dilemmas, and future research opportunities’, Historical Archaeology, 38;1, 10-17.
Mallios, S. & Caterino, D. 2011
‘Mortality, money, and commemoration: social and economic factors in Southern California grave-marker change during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries’, International Journal of Historical Archaeology, 15, 429-460.
Mallios, S. & Caterino, D. 2007
‘Transformations in San Diego County gravestones and cemeteries’, Historical Archaeology, 41:4, 50-71.
Tashjian, A. & Tashjian, D. 2005
‘The Afro-American section of Newport, Rhode Island’s Common Burying Ground’, in Meyer, R. (ed.) Cemeteries and Gravemarkers: Voices of American Culture, Utah State University Press: Logan, UT,163-196.
Yeoman, E. 2006
‘Je me souviens: about the St. Armand Slave Cemetery, memory, counter-memory and historic trauma’, Topia, 12, 9-24.