The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract
Cannon, A. & Cook, K. 2015
‘Infant death and the archaeology of grief’, Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 25: 1, 399-416.
Christensen, D. & Sandvick, K. 2014
‘Death ends a life, not a relationship: objects as media on children’s graves’, in D. Christensen & K. Sandvick (eds) Mediating and Remediating Death, London: Routledge, 251-271.
Coster, W. 2000
‘Tokens of innocence: infant baptism, death and burial in early Modern England’ in B. Gordon and P. Marshall (eds) The Place of the Dead: Death and Remembrance in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 266-287.
Crow, M., Zori, C. & Zori, D. 2020
‘Doctrinal and physical marginality in Christian death: the burial of unbaptized infants in medieval Italy’, Religions 11:12, 678.
DiGirolamo, V. 2002
‘Newsboy funerals: tales of sorrow and solidarity in urban America’, Journal of Social History, 36:1, 5-30.
Drybread, K. 2013
‘Social life and the deaths of Brazilian street children’, Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthrpology, 18:2, 212-230.
Muller, S., Burke, H., De Leiuen, C. & 2 others 2019
‘“Childness”’: an alternative approach to the archaeology of childhood through cemetery studies’, Religions, 10: 8, 451.
Noret, J. 2012
Grief as social fact: notes from southern Benin’, African Studies, 71:2, 273-286
Smith, D. 1987
‘“Safe in the arms of Jesus”: consolation on Deleware children’s gravestones, 1840-44’, Markers, 4, 85-106.
Sørensen, T. 2011
‘Sweet dreams: biographical blanks and the commemoration of children’, Mortality, 16:2, 161-175.
Tyssens, J. 2017
‘Working class children, death and secularity: Belgium in the 1890s’, Revue Belge de Philologie et d’Histoire / Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Filologie en Geschiedenis, 95:4, 917-36.
Woods, R. 2006
Children Remembered: Responses to Untimely Death in the Past, Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.