Contemporary practices: Brazil

Anacleto, A., Dos Reis Elias, B., Freitas, P.& da Silva, R. 2019

‘Tanatology: reflections on the funeral market in Paraná Coast (Brazil), between the profitability and the respect’, International Journal of Development Research, 9:3, 26311-26317.

Castro, E. 2012

‘Ao pó retornarás”: um olhar sobre os crematórios e a morte contemporânea’, Cadernos de Pesquisa Interdisciplinar em Ciências Humanas, 13:102, 135-152.

Decker J., Muniz, E & Cruz, N. 2018

‘Environment systems: a new concept on cremation’, Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 6:2, 363-380.

Martins, A de S. 2020

‘Coffins, candles and cameras: aspects of Brazilian funerals from the nineteenth to the twenty-first century’, in C. Cann (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Death and the Afterlife, London: Routledge, 366-376.


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