The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract
Contemporary practices: Denmark
Gotved, S. 2015
‘Privacy with public access: digital memorials on quick response codes’, Information, Communication & Society 18:3, 269-280.
Kjærsgaard Markussen, A. 2014
“Finding consolation on churchyards in Lutheran Denmark”Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift, 68:1-2, 101-119.
Kjærsgaard Markussen, A. 2013
“Kirkegården som religiøst rum”. Kirkegårdskultur, pp. 64-70.
Kjærsgaard, A. 2017
Funerary Culture and the Limits of Secularisation in Denmark, LIT Verlag Zürich.
Neilsen, H. 2014
‘Det sidste hvilested: om tilhørsfordhold og identitetsdannelse blandt muslimer I Danmark’, Kulturstudier, 5:1, 6-30.
Nielsen, M. 2022
‘Making the cemetery work – the role of cemetery staff in grave plot choice’, Mortality, 27:3, 369-382.
Singh, R. 2015
‘Modes of processing the dead: ethnography of crematoria’, Society and Culture in South Asia, 1:1, 33-55.
Sørensen, T. 2009
‘The presence of the dead: cemeteries, cremation and the staging of non-place’, Journal of Social Archaeology, 9, 1, 111-135.
Sørensen, T. 2010
‘A saturated void: anticipating and preparing presence in contemporary Danish cemetery culture’, in M. Bille, F. Hastrup & T. Sørensen (eds) An Anthropology of Absence: Materializions of Transcendence and Loss, Springer, 115-30.
Sørensen, T. 2011
‘Sweet dreams: biographical blanks and the commemoration of children’, Mortality, 16:2, 161-175.
Sørensen, T. & M. Bille 2008
‘Flames of transformation: the role of fire in cremation practices’, World Archaeology, 40:2, 253-267.