The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract
Contemporary practices: United States
Beard, V. & Burger, W. 2017
‘Change and innovation in the funeral industry: a typology of motivations’, OMEGA – Journal of Death and Dying, 75:1, 47-68.
Campo, J. 2015
‘Muslim ways of death: between the prescribed and the performed’ in K. Garces-Foley (ed.) Death and Religion in a Changing World, London: Routledge, 147-178.
Cann, C. 2020
‘Black Lives Matter earning the right to live: death and the African-American funeral home’, Religions, 11: 390, 1-15.
Cann, C. 2020
‘Buying an afterlife: mapping religious belief through consumer death goods’, in C. Cann (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Death and the Afterlife, London: Routledge, 377-392.
Cunningham, K. 2005
‘Navajo, Mormon, Zuni graves: Navajo, Mormon, Zuni ways’, in R. Meyer (ed.) Cemeteries and Gravemarkers: Voices of American Culture, Utah State University Press: Logan, UT, 197-216.
Dickinson, G. 2012
‘Diversity in death: body disposition and memorialization’, Illness, Crisis & Loss, 20:2, 141-158.
Garces-Foley, K. & Holcomb, J.S. 2006
‘Contemporary American funerals: personalising tradition’, in Garces-Foley, K. (ed.) Death and Religion in a Changing World, London: Routledge, 207-227.
Gupta, R. 2011
‘Death beliefs and practices from an Asian Indian American Hindu perspective’, Death Studies 35:3, 244-246.
Roberts, P. 2022
‘What now? Cremation without tradition’, OMEGA – Journal of Death and Dying, 62:1, 1-10.
Sheppard-Simms, E. 2016
‘Islands of the abject: absence, trauma and memory in the cemetery island’, Heritage of Violence, 4:1, Article 2.
Slominski, E. 2023
‘Life of the death system: shifting regimes, evolving practices, and the rise of eco-funerals’, Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy, 19:1, 2243779.
Webster, L. 2018
‘Why caring for our own dead is an act of social justice’, Wake Forest Journal of Law & Policy, 8:1, 125-148.
Zavattaro, S. 2021
Cemetery Sextons: Tales from Municipal Leaders, Abingdon: Routledge.
Zavattro, S. & Guy, M. 2022
‘Learning from cemetery managers about citizen-state encounters and emotional labour’, State and Local Government Review, 54:4, 328-345.