The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract
Cremation: History Germany
Ameskamp, S. 2008
‘Fanning the flames: cremation in late Imperial and Weimar Germany’, in A. Confino, P. Betts and D. Schumann (eds) Between Mass Death and Individual Loss: The Place of the Dead in Twentieth-Century Germany, New York NY: Berghahn Books.
Pfeiffer, A. 2015
Das Ewige im Flüchtigen: Eine Bau- und Zivilisationsgeschichte der Feuerbestattung in der Moderne, Würzburg: Königshausen Neumann.
Purcell, T. 2000
The Burial of the Future: Cremation and Crematorium Building in Imperial Germany, London: D3.