The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract
Ecological imperatives
Feagan, R. 2007
‘Death to life: towards my green burial’, Ethics, Place and Environment, 10:2, 157-175.
Kmec, S. & Kolnburger, T. 2020
‘“Dann ebin in die Nature damit”: der neue trend der Waldbestattung in Luxembourg: Geschitchte, Beweggründe und Ökologische Auswirkungen’, in C. Thiltes & C. Solte-Gresser (eds) Külturölogie und Ökologische in der Großregion, Bern: Peter Lang, 113-139.
Stewart, B. 2018
‘Faultlines in the graveyard: the contested nature of green burial’, Dialog, 57:4, 295-302.
Stewart, B. 2012
‘Committed to the earth: ecotheological dimensions of Christian burial practices’, Liturgy, 27:2, 62–72.
Zeng, C., Sweet, W. & Cheng, Q. 2016
‘Ecological citizenship and green burial in China’, Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 29, 985-1001.