Ecosystem services

Ajewole, O., Olajuyigbe, S. & Hassan, A. 2015

‘Potentials of cemeteries as urban green conservation areas in Ibadan metropolis’, Nigerian Journal of Forestry, 45:1, 48-59.

Clayden, A., Green, T., Hockey, J. & Powell, M. 2017

‘Cutting the lawn – natural burial and its contribution to the delivery of ecosystems in urban cemeteries’, Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 33, 99-106.

Coutts, C., Bamajian, C., Sehee, J. & 2 others 2018

‘Natural burial as a land conservation tool in the US’, Landscape and Urban Planning, 130-143.

de Lacy, P. & Shackleton, C. 2017

Woody plant species richness, composition and structure in urban sacred sites, Grahamstown, South Africa’, Urban Ecosystems, 20, 1169-1179.

Długoński, A., Dushkova, D. & Haase, D. 2022

‘Urban cemeteries – places of multiple diversity and challeges. A case study from Łodź (Poland) and Leipzig (Germany)’, Land, 11: 5, 677.

Długozima, A. & Kosiacka-Beck, E. 2020

‘How to enhance the environmental impact of contemporary cemeteries an in urban context’, Sustainability, 12:6, 2374.

Gilbert, O. 1989

‘Cemeteries’, in O. Gilbert (ed.) The Ecology of Urban Habitats, Springer Netherlands, 218-38.

Harker, A. 2012

‘Landscapes of the dead: an argument for conservation burial’, Berkeley Planning Journal, 25: 150-59.

Holden, M. & McDonald-Madden, E. 2017

‘Conservation from the grave: human burials to fund the conservation of threatened species’, Conservation Letters, 11:1, e12421.

Leuta, T. 2019

‘Institutional perceptions and barriers to multifunctional cemeteries’, in S. Mambretti & J. L. Miralles i Garcia (eds) WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment: The Sustainable City XIII, 23-34.

McClymont, K. & Sinnett, D. 2021

‘Planning cemeteries: their potential contribution to green infrastructure and ecosystem services’, Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, 3, 789925.

Myślińska, A., Szczepański, J., & Dłubakowski, W. 2021

‘The impact of decommissioning cemeteries on the urban ecosystem’, Sustainability, 13, 9303.

Pawlett, M., Girkin, N., Deeks, L. & 5 others 2024

‘The contribution of natural burials to soil ecosystem services: review and emergent research questions’, Applied Soil Ecology, 194, 105200.

Quinton, J. & Duinker, P. 2018

‘“Beyond burial”: researching and managing cemeteries as urban green spaces, with examples from Canada’, Environmental Reviews, 27:2, 252-262.

Sallay, A., Tar, I.G., Mikházi, Z. & 3 others 2023

‘The role of urban cemeteries in ecosystem services and habitat protection’, Plants, 12, 1269.

Straka, T., Mischo, M., Petric, K. & Kowarak, I. 2022

’Urban cemeteries as shared habitats for people and nature: reasons for visit, comforting experiences of nature, and preferences for cultural and natural features’, Land, 11, 1237.

Yılmaz, H., Kuşak, B., & Akkemik, Ü. 2018

‘The role of Aşiyou Cemetery (İstanbul) as a green urban space from an ecological perspective and its importance in urban plant diversity’, Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 33, 92-98.


The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract