The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract
Environmental impacts: Soil pollution
Azevedo, A., Cardoso, T., & Cohen, S. 2023
‘Could necroleachate be the cemetery’s sewage? A panorama from Brazilian legislation’, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20:19, 6898.
Neckel, A., Costa, C., Mario, D. & 2 others . 2017
Environmental damage and public health threat caused by cemeteries: a proposal of ideal cemeteries for the growing urban sprawl’, urbe. Revista Brazileira de Gestão Urbane, 9:2, 216-230.
Neckel, A., Korcelski, H., Kujawa, I. & 9 others 2021
Hazardous elements in the soil of urban cemeteries; constructive solutions aimed at sustainability’, Chemosphere, 262, 128248.