The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract
History: 19c United States
Bosto, R. & Mayerson, J. 2004
‘“In the palm of nature’s hand”: Ralph Waldo Emerson’s address at the consecration of Sleepy Hollow Cemetery’, Markers 21, 148-173.
Britton, J. 2014
‘“Feeling is our objective”: Green-Wood Cemetery, sentiment, and refinement in Antebellum New York’, Nineteenth-Century Contexts, 36, 1, 19-34.
Davidson, J., Hilliard, J. & Donat, L. 2024
‘The Droke Family Burial Ground (3BE655): the Civil War, civilian dead, and wartime exigencies’, International Journal of Historical Archaeology, 28, 1019-1049.
Elliott, B. 2011
‘Memorialising the Civil War dead: modernity and corruption under the Grant Administration’, Markers, 27, 14-55.
French, S. 1975
‘The cemetery as cultural institution: the establishment of Mount Auburn and the “rural cemetery movement’, American Quarterly, 26:1, 37-59.
Giguere, J. 2018
‘“Too mean to live, and certainly in no fit condition to die” vandalism, public misbehavior, and the Rural Cemetery Movement’, Journal of the Early Republic 38:2, 293-324.
Giguere, J. 2018
‘Localism and nationalism in the city of the dead: the Rural Cemetery Movement in the antebellum south’ Journal of Southern History, 84:4, 845-882.
Gillis, J. 1997
A World of their Own Making: a History of Myth and Ritual in Family Life, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Grabowski, M., Owsley, D. & Bruwelheide, K. 2010
‘Cemetery vandalism: the strange case of William Wirt’, Washington History, 22, 57-68.
Graham, S. 2015
‘The plantation community cemetery: reading black and white relationships in the landscape’, Markers, 30, 68-91.
Jernigan, S. 2023
‘The status quo made picturesque: nineteenth-century Macon, Georgia, and its garden of the dead’, in K. Fletcher & A. Towle (eds) Grave History: Death, Race and Gender in Southern Cemeteries, Athens: University of Georgia Press, 16-50.
Kete, M. 2000
Sentimental Collaborations: Mourning and Middle-Class Identity in Nineteenth-Century America, Durham NC: Duke University Press.
Klotz, S. 2014
‘The red man has left no mark here: graves and land claim in the Cooperian tradition’, ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance, 60:3, 331-369.
Lipkin, S. 2022
‘Forgotten and remembered: unusual memorial practices at Buffalo’s old cemeteries’, in T. Kallio-Seppä, S. Lipkin, T. Väre & 2 others (eds) Unusual Death And Memorialization: Burial, Space, and Memory in the Post-Medieval North, Oxford: Berghahn Books, 21-45.
Martin, A. 2021
‘“In this city of the dead”: Charleston’s Magnolia Cemetery and middle-class aspiration’, Journal of Urban History, 47:5, 1050-1066.
Searcy, E. 2014
‘The dead belong to the living: disinterment and custody of dead bodies in nineteenth-century America’, Journal of Social History, 48:1, 112-134.
Smith, D. 1987
‘“Safe in the arms of Jesus”: consolation on Deleware children’s gravestones, 1840-44’, Markers, 4, 85-106.
Smith, J. 2017
The Rural Cemetery Movement: Places of Paradox in Nineteenth-Century America, Lanham: Lexington Books.
Swan, R. 2000
‘Prelude and aftermath to the Doctor’s Riot of 1788: a religious interpretation of black and white reaction to grave robbing’, New York History, 81:4, 417-56.
Taylor, M. 2014
‘The Civil War experiences of a New Orleans undertaker’, Louisiana History: The Journal of the Louisiana Historical Association, 55:3, 261-281.