The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract
History: Broad sweep France
Ben-Amos, A. 2000
Funerals, Politics and Memory in Modern France 1789-1996, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Kselman, T. 1993
Death and the Afterlife in Modern France, Princetown, NJ: Princetown University Press.
Ligou, D. 1975
‘L’evolution des cimetières’, Archives des Sciences Sociales des Religions, 39, 61-77.
Musgrave, E. 1997
‘Memento mori: the functions and meaning of Breton ossuaries 1450-1750’, in P. Jupp & G. Howarth (eds) The Changing Face of Death: Historical Accounts of Death and Disposal, Basingsstoke, Macmillan, 19-33.
Vovelle, M. & Bertrand, R. 1983
La Ville des Morts: Essai sur l’Imaginaire Urbain Contemporain d’après les Cimetières Provençaux, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique: Paris.