Identity: Migrant

Ben-Ur, A. 2003

‘Still life: Sephardi, Ashkenazi and West African art and form in Suriname’s Jewish cemeteries’, American Jewish History, 92:1, 31-79.

Boesen, E. 2023

‘Negotiating the aesthetics of mourning in Luxembourg: on pre-modern forms in post-modern spaces’, in D. House & M. Westendorp with A. Maddrell (eds) New Perspectives on Urban Deathscapes: Continuity, Changes and Contestation, Northampton MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 83-106.

Costa, T.G., Richter, F.A., Castro, E.T. & 3 others 2018

‘Elemental identification of blue paintings traces present in historic cemeteries in the São Martinho region, southern Brazil’, Journal of Molecular Structure 1155:5, 434-442.

Dikomitis, L. & Argyrou, V. 2020

‘The politics of restoring religious sites and cemeteries in the north of Cyprus: An ethnography among Greek Cypriot refugees’ in T. Kruse, H. Faustmann & S. Rogge (eds) When the Cemetery Becomes Political – Dealing with the Religious Heritage in Multi-Ethnic Regions, Münster: Schriften des Instituts für Interdisziplinäre Zypern-Studien, 107-133.

Grimwade, G. 2023

‘A grave situation: burial practices amongst the Chinese diaspora in Queensland, Australia (ca. 1870-1930)’, International Journal of Historical Archaeology, DOI.

Jay, S. 2017

‘Grave connections: Algeria’s Jewish cemeteries as sites of diaspora-homeland contact’, Jewish Culture and History, 18: 1, 96-108.

McClymont, K., Beebeejaun, Y., Maddrell, A. & 3 others 2023

‘There’s no place like home: minority-majority dialogue, contestation, and ritual negotiation in cemeteries and crematoria spaces’, in D. House & M. Westendorp with A. Maddrell (eds) New Perspectives on Urban Deathscapes: Continuity, Changes and Contestation, Northampton MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 61-80.

Moreras, J. & Arraràs, A. 2019

‘Genealogies of death: Repatriation among Moroccan and Senegalese in Catalonia’, in H. Snellman, E. Koskinen-Koivisto & S. Samaro (eds) Transnational Death, Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society, 118-135.

Snellman, H. 2019

‘Negotiating belonging through death among Finnish immigrants in Sweden’, in H. Snellman, E. Koskinen-Koivisto & S. Samaro (eds) Transnational Death, Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society, 25–48.


The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract