The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract
Identity: Political
Cohen, D. & Odhiambo, A. 1992
Burying SM: The Politics of Knowledge and the Sociology of Power in Africa, London: Heinemann.
De Matos Viegas, S. & Graça Feijó, R. 2018
‘Moving the dead and building the nation: martyrs in Timor Leste’, in P. Havik, I. Mapril & C. Saraiva (eds) Death on the Move: Managing Narratives, Silences, Constraints in a Trans-National Perspective, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 245-65.
Julien, E. & Vonau, E. 2011
‘Le cimetière de Friedrichsfelde, construction d’un espace socialiste (des années 1880 aux années 1970)’, Le Mouvement Social, 237, 91-113.
Rusu, M. 2021
‘Staging death: Christofascist necropolitics during the National Legionary State in Romania, 1940-41’, Nationalities Papers, 49:3, 576-589.
Verdery, K. 1999
The Political Lives of Dead Bodies: Reburial and Postsocialist Change, Chichester: Columbia University Press.