The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract
De Spiegeleer, C. 2019
‘The cemetery as symbolic battlefield in the Belgian “Kulturkampf”. Political and religious controversies surrounding cemetery management’, in S. Kmec, R. Philippart & A. Reuter (eds) Ewige Ruhe? Grabkulturen in Luxemburg und den Nachbarrregionen, Luxembourg : CapybaraBooks, 227-34.
De Spiegeleer, C. 2022
‘“Funerary culture wars” in late 19th- and early 20th-century Europe and the case of Brussels’ Freethought movement’, Secular Studies, 4, 9-41.
De Spiegeleer, C. 2019
‘The cemetery as symbolic battlefield in the Belgian “Kulturkampf”. Political and religious controversies surrounding cemetery management’, in S. Kmec, R. Philippart & A. Reuter (eds) Ewige Ruhe? Grabkulturen in Luxemburg und den Nachbarrregionen, Luxembourg : CapybaraBooks, 227-34.
De Spiegeleer, C. 2017
‘Secularisation, anticlericalism and funerary culture in Late Modern Europe’, Revue Belge de Philologie et d’Histoire / Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Filologie en Geschiedenis, 95:4, 835-47.
De Spiegeleer, C. & Tyssens, J. 2017
‘Secularizing funerary culture in nineteenth-century Belgium: a product of political and religious controversy’, Death Studies, 41: 1, 14-21.
Kerry, M. 2019
‘The bones of contention: the secularization of cemeteries and funerals in the Spanish Second Republic’, European History Quarterly, 49: 1, 73-95.
Malone, H. 2014
‘Secularisation, anti-clericalism and cremation within Italian cemeteries of the nineteenth century’ Modern Italy, 19: 4, 385-403.
Martorell Linares, M. 2017
‘“The cruellest of all forms of coercion”: the Catholic Church and conflicts around death and burial in Spain during the Restoration (1874-1923)’, European History Quarterly, 47: 4, 657-78.
Morelli, A. 2008
‘L’espace du cimetière et les cortèges d’enterrements comme enjeux de pouvoir entre laïques et catholiques (Belgique, xix-xx siècle), in A. Dierkens & A. Morelli (eds) Topographie de Sacré : L’Emprise Religieuse sur L’Espace, vol 18, 141-52.
Schmid, W. 2019
‘Der friedhofsstreit von Simmern (1901-1908). Ein außergewohonlicher konfessionelleer konflict nach dem Kulturkampf’, in S. Kmec, R. Philippart & A. Reuter (eds) Ewige Ruhe? Grabkulturen in Luxemburg und den Nachbarrregionen, Luxembourg : CapybaraBooks, 243-250.
Witte, E. 2003
‘The battle for monasteries, cemeteries and schools: Belgium’ in C. Clark & W. Kaiser (eds) Culture Wars: Secular-Catholic Conflict in Nineteenth-Century Europe, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 102-128.