
De Spiegeleer, C. 2019

‘The cemetery as symbolic battlefield in the Belgian “Kulturkampf”. Political and religious controversies surrounding cemetery management’, in S. Kmec, R. Philippart & A. Reuter (eds) Ewige Ruhe? Grabkulturen in Luxemburg und den Nachbarrregionen, Luxembourg : CapybaraBooks, 227-34.

De Spiegeleer, C. 2022

‘“Funerary culture wars” in late 19th- and early 20th-century Europe and the case of Brussels’ Freethought movement’, Secular Studies, 4, 9-41.

De Spiegeleer, C. 2019

‘The cemetery as symbolic battlefield in the Belgian “Kulturkampf”. Political and religious controversies surrounding cemetery management’, in S. Kmec, R. Philippart & A. Reuter (eds) Ewige Ruhe? Grabkulturen in Luxemburg und den Nachbarrregionen, Luxembourg : CapybaraBooks, 227-34.

De Spiegeleer, C. 2017

‘Secularisation, anticlericalism and funerary culture in Late Modern Europe’, Revue Belge de Philologie et d’Histoire / Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Filologie en Geschiedenis, 95:4, 835-47.

De Spiegeleer, C. & Tyssens, J. 2017

‘Secularizing funerary culture in nineteenth-century Belgium: a product of political and religious controversy’, Death Studies, 41: 1, 14-21.

Kerry, M. 2019

‘The bones of contention: the secularization of cemeteries and funerals in the Spanish Second Republic’, European History Quarterly, 49: 1, 73-95.

Malone, H. 2014

‘Secularisation, anti-clericalism and cremation within Italian cemeteries of the nineteenth century’ Modern Italy, 19: 4, 385-403.

Martorell Linares, M. 2017

‘“The cruellest of all forms of coercion”: the Catholic Church and conflicts around death and burial in Spain during the Restoration (1874-1923)’, European History Quarterly, 47: 4, 657-78.

Morelli, A. 2008

‘L’espace du cimetière et les cortèges d’enterrements comme enjeux de pouvoir entre laïques et catholiques (Belgique, xix-xx siècle), in A. Dierkens & A. Morelli (eds) Topographie de Sacré : L’Emprise Religieuse sur L’Espace, vol 18, 141-52.

Schmid, W. 2019

‘Der friedhofsstreit von Simmern (1901-1908). Ein außergewohonlicher konfessionelleer konflict nach dem Kulturkampf’, in S. Kmec, R. Philippart & A. Reuter (eds) Ewige Ruhe? Grabkulturen in Luxemburg und den Nachbarrregionen, Luxembourg : CapybaraBooks, 243-250.

Witte, E. 2003

‘The battle for monasteries, cemeteries and schools: Belgium’ in C. Clark & W. Kaiser (eds) Culture Wars: Secular-Catholic Conflict in Nineteenth-Century Europe, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 102-128.


The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract