The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract
Management: United States
Banks, D. 2003
‘On the economics of death in the United States’, in C.D. Bryant (ed.) Handbook of Death and Dying, Thousand Oaks, CA., Sage 604-10.
Llewellyn, J. 1998
A Cemetery Should be Forever: the Challenge to Managers and Directors, Glendale, CA: Tropico Press.
Longoria, T. 2014
‘Are we all equal at death?: Death competence in municipal cemetery management’, Death Studies, 38:6, 355-364.
Sloane, D. 1995
The Last Great Necessity: Cemeteries in American History, Baltimore, MD: John Hopkins University Press.
Wickersham, M. & Yehl, R. 2017
‘The public cemetery: meeting new challenges in a time of change’, Public Manager, 22:1, 62-65.
Zavattaro, S. 2020
‘“We’ve cared for the dead since we started caring”: COVID-19 and our relationship to public and private healthcare’, Public Administration Review, Jul/Aug, 701-705.
Zavattro, S. & Guy, M. 2022
‘Learning from cemetery managers about citizen-state encounters and emotional labour’, State and Local Government Review, 54:4, 328-345.