Migration: Muslim

Ahmed, N. 2016

‘Making a good death: Muslim burial sites and practices in Britain from 1800 to the present’ in J. Garnett & A. Harris (eds) Rescripting Religion in the City. Migration and Religious Identity in the Modern Metropolis, London: Routledge, 103-114.

Akkaymak G. & Belkhodja C. 2020

‘Does place matter? Burial decisions of Muslims in Canada’, Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses, 49:3, 372-388.

Balkan, O. 2016

‘Between civil society and the state: bureaucratic competence and cultural mediation among Muslim undertakers in Berlin’, Journal of Intercultural Studies, 37:2, 147–161.

Balkan, O. 2015

‘Burial and belonging’, Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism, 15:1, 20-34.

Balkan, O. 2018

‘The Islamic deathscapes of Germany’, Project on Middle East Political Science, 32, 39-43.

Balkan, O. 2015

‘Until death us do depart: the necropolitical work of Turkish funeral funds in Germany’, in Y. Suleiman (ed.) Muslims in the UK and Europe, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 19-28.

Balkan, O. & Masarwa, Y. 2022

‘The transnational afterlives of European Muslims’, Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, 42:1, 221-236.

Burkhalter, S. 1998

‘La question du cimetière islamique en Suisse : quelles enjeux pour la communiauté musulmane ?’, Revue Européene de Migrations Internationales, 14 :3, 61-75.

Burkhalter, S. 2001

‘Negotiations about Muslim cemeteries in Switzerland : an example of religious recomposition under circumstances of immigration’, Archives des Sciences Sociales des Religions, 46: 113, 133-148.

Gardener, K. 1998

‘Death, burial and bereavement amongst Bengali Muslims in Tower Hamlets, East London’, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 24:3, 507-21.

Jonker, G. 1996

‘The knife’s edge: Muslim burial in the diaspora’, Mortality, 1:1, 27-44.

Kadrouch-Outmany, K. 2013

‘Burial practices and desires among Muslims in the Netherlands: a matter of belonging’, Canadian Journal of Netherlandic Studies, 33.2-34.1, 107-128.

Neilsen, H. 2014

‘Det sidste hvilested: om tilhørsfordhold og identitetsdannelse blandt muslimer I Danmark’, Kulturstudier, 5:1, 6-30.

Nunez, J. 2011

‘La gestion publique des espaces confessionnels des cimetières de la ville de Paris : l’example du culte musulman (1857-1957)’, Le Mouvement Social, 237, 13-32.

Pirenne, E. 2019

‘Mourir comme musulman au Luxembourg: practiques et défis contemporains’ in S. Kmec, R. Philippart & A. Reuter (eds) Ewige Ruhe? Grabkulturen in Luxembourg und den Nachbarrregionen, Luxembourg : CapybaraBooks, 267-274

Rachédi, L., Idir, M. & Sarenac, J. 2018

‘Carrés, cimetières et musulmans. Les impensés de l’immigration et de la citoyenneté au Quebec’, Diversité Urbaine, 18, 47-66.

Ranaerts, M. 1997

‘La mort: de l’exclusion à l’intégration’, in F. Dassetto (ed.) Facettes de L’Islam Belge, Louvain-La-Neuve : Académia-Bruylant, 213-223.

Razavimaleki, B. & Martinez, H. 2014

‘Negotiating an Islamic burial’, Anthropology of the Contemporary Middle East and Central Eurasia, 2:2.


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