The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract
Breemer, R. van der, & M. Maussen 2012
‘On the viability of State-Church models: Muslim burial and mosque building in France and the Netherlands’, Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, 10:3, 279-298.
Clayden, A., Green, T., Hockey, J. & Powell, M. 2015
Natural Burial: Landscape, Practice and Experience, Abingdon: Routledge.
Clayden, A., Green, T., Hockey, J. & Powell, M. 2016
‘From cabbages to cadavers: natural burial down on the farm’, in A. Maddrell & J. Sidaway (eds) Deathscapes: Spaces for Dying, Mourning and Remembrance, London: Routledge, 119-140.
Harrington, D. & Treber, D. 2013
‘Cemeteries and mortuaries: better together or apart?’, Regulation, 35:4, 40-47 .
Kjærsgaard Markussen, A. 2013
‘Dead and the state of religion in Denmark: belonging, believing and doing’, in E. Venbrux, T. Quartier, C. Venhost and B. Mathijssen (eds) Changing European Deathways, Wien: Lit Verlag, 165-190.
Kjærsgaard Markussen, A. 2014
“Finding consolation on churchyards in Lutheran Denmark”Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift, 68:1-2, 101-119.
Kjærsgaard Markussen, A. 2013
“Kirkegården som religiøst rum”. Kirkegårdskultur, pp. 64-70.
Kjøller, C. 2012
‘Managing green spaces of the deceased: characteristics and dynamics of Danish cemetery administrations’, Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 11, pp339-348.
Klaufus, C. 2016
‘Deathscape politics in Columbian metropolises: conservation, grave recycling and the position of the bereaved’, Urban Studies, 53:12, 2453-68.
Klaufus, C. 2018
Columbian deathscapes: social pratices and policy responses’, Journal of Urban Affairs, 40:2, 209-55.
Mytum, H., Dunk, J. & Rugg, J. 1994
‘Closed urban churchyards in England and Wales: some survey results’, Post-Medieval Archaeology, 28, 111-14.
Nordh, H., House, D., Weterndorp, M. & 8 others 2021
‘Rules, norms and practices – a comparative study exploring disposal practices and facilities in Northern Europe’, OMEGA – Journal of Death and Dying, 88:1, 171-199.
Rae, R. 2021
‘Cemeteries as public urban green space: management, funding and form’, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 61, 127078.
Rugg, J. 2013
Churchyard and Cemetery: Tradition and Modernity in Rural North Yorkshire, Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Swensen, G. & Brendalsmo, J. 2018
‘Churchyards and cemeteries throughout the centuries – praxis and legislation’, Landscape History, 39:1, 87-102.
Trabsky, M. 2019
Law and the Dead: Technology, Relations and Institutions. London: Routledge.
Yarwood, R., Sidaway, J., Kelly, C. & Stillwell, S. 2014
‘Sustainable deathstyles? The geography of green burials in Britain’, The Geographic Journal, 181:2, 172-184.
Zelinsky, W. 1976
‘Unearthly delights: cemetery names and the map of the changing American afterworld’, in D. Lowenthal and M. Bowden (eds) Geographies of the Mind, New York: Oxford University Press.