The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract
House, D., Westendorp, M., Dornelles, V. & 2 others 2023
‘Adopting to “one-size-fits-all”: constructing appropriate Islamic burial spaces in Northwest Europe’, in D. House & M. Westendorp with A. Maddrell (eds) New Perspectives on Urban Deathscapes : Continuity, Changes and Contestation, Northampton MA : Edward Elgar Publishing, 124-144
Maddrell, A., Beebeejaun, Y., Kmec, S., & Wingren, C. 2023
‘Cemeteries and crematoria, forgotten public space in multicultural Europe. An agenda for inclusion and citizenship’, Area, 55:1, 125-133.
Sörries, R., Diefenbach, J., Kuhle, D. & 2 others (ed.) 2010
Großes Lexikon der Bestattungs – und Friedhofskultur. Wörterbuch zur Sepulkralkultur. Praktisch-aktueller Teil: Von Abfall beseitung bis Zwei-Felder-Wirtschaft, Braunschweig: Thalacker Medica.
Woodthorpe, K. 2011
‘Sustaining the contemporary cemetery: implementing policy alongside conflicting perspectives and purpose’, Mortality, 16:3, 259-276.