Religion: Christian Church law

Homfray, K. 2009

‘Sir Edward Coke gets it wrong? A brief history of consecration’, Ecclesiastical Law Journal, 11, 36-50.

Kerin, C. 1955

‘Christian burial problems’, Jurist, 15:3, 252-282.

McGregor, A. 2009

‘The legal effect of consecration of land “not belonging to the Church of England”’, Ecclesiastical Law Journal, 11, 194-205.

Rivard, D. 2004

‘Consecratio cymiterii: the ritual blessing of cemeteries in the central Middle Ages’, Comitatus: A Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 35, 22-44.

Spicer, A. 2016

“God will have a house”: defining sacred space and rites of consecration in early seventeenth-century England’, in A.Spicer & S.Hamilton (eds) Defining the Holy: Sacred Space in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, London: Routledge, 207-230.


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