The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract
Restorative justice
Azevedo, V. 2016
‘Restoring the dignity of the war’s disappeared? Exhumations of mass graves, restorative justice and compassion policies in Peru’, Human Remains and Violence, 2:2, 39-55.
Bejyera, E. 2014
‘The contribution of mass graves to transitional justice: the case of Chbondo in Mt Darwin Zimbabwe’, International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 4:1, 47-56.
Chudzinski, A. 2023
‘Profane memorials: burying the martyrs of the Civil Rights Movement’, in K. Fletcher & A. Towle (eds) Grave History: Death, Race and Gender in Southern Cemeteries, Athens: University of Georgia Press, 198-230.
Fear-Segal, J. 2018
‘Native nations’ ancestral remains at the Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania’, in A.C.G.M. Robben (ed.) A Companion to the Anthropology of Death, John Wiley & Sons, 357-370.
Ferrándiz, F. 2006
‘The return of Civil War ghosts: the ethnography of exhumations in contemporary Spain’, Anthropology Today, 22:3, 7-12
Ferrándiz, F. & Robben, A. 2015
Necropolitics: Mass Graves and Exhumations in the Age of Human Rights, Philadelphia: University of Pensylvania Press.
Fletcher, K. 2023
‘Are enslaved African Americans buried at Mount Harmon plantation? Space and reflection for national mourning and memorialising’, Mortality, 28:3, 510-525.
Obermeyer, B. 2016
‘“We call it put him away” contemporary Delaware burial practices and NAGPRA’, North American Archaeologist, 37:2, 112-135.
Pollack, C. 2003
‘Intentions of burial: mourning, politics and memorials following the massacre at Srebrenica’, Death Studies, 27:2, 125-42.
Pollack, C. 2003
‘Burial at Srebrenica: linking place and trauma’, Social Science and Medicine, 56:4, 793-801.
Renshaw, L. 2011
Exhuming Loss: Memory, Materiality and Mass Graves of the Spanish Civil War, Walnut Creek: West Coast.
Robledo Silvestre, C. 2021
‘Necrogeografía de la guerra entre los panteones y las fosas de Sinaloa’, Historia y Grafía, 56, 171-194.
Turnbull, P. 2002
‘Indigenous Australian people, their defence of the dead and native title’, in C. Fforde, J. Hubert & P. Turnbull (eds) The Dead and their Possessions: Repatriation in Principle, Practice and Policy, New York NY: Routledge, 63-86.
Van West, C. 2023
‘“We have no further interest in these patients until they die”: the US Public Health Services’ Syphilis Study and African American cemeteries in Macon County, Alabama’, in K. Fletcher & A. Towle (eds) Grave History: Death, Race and Gender in Southern Cemeteries, Athens: University of Georgia Press, 171-197.
Vignolo, P. 2013
‘¿Quién gobierna la ciudad de los muertos? Políticas de la memoria y desarrollo urbano en Bogotá’, Memoria y Sociedad, 17:35, 125-142.