The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract
Restorative justice
Avezedo, V. 2021
‘From dignified burial to “terrorist mausoleum”: exhumation, moral panic and mourning policies in Peru’, Bulletin of Latin American Research, 40:1, 21-39.
Azevedo, V. 2016
‘Restoring the dignity of the war’s disappeared? Exhumations of mass graves, restorative justice and compassion policies in Peru’, Human Remains and Violence, 2:2, 39-55.
Bejyera, E. 2014
‘The contribution of mass graves to transitional justice: the case of Chbondo in Mt Darwin Zimbabwe’, International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 4:1, 47-56.
Chudzinski, A. 2023
‘Profane memorials: burying the martyrs of the Civil Rights Movement’, in K. Fletcher & A. Towle (eds) Grave History: Death, Race and Gender in Southern Cemeteries, Athens: University of Georgia Press, 198-230.
Fear-Segal, J. 2018
‘Native nations’ ancestral remains at the Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania’, in A.C.G.M. Robben (ed.) A Companion to the Anthropology of Death, John Wiley & Sons, 357-370.
Ferrándiz, F. 2006
‘The return of Civil War ghosts: the ethnography of exhumations in contemporary Spain’, Anthropology Today, 22:3, 7-12
Ferrándiz, F. & Robben, A. 2015
Necropolitics: Mass Graves and Exhumations in the Age of Human Rights, Philadelphia: University of Pensylvania Press.
Fletcher, K. 2023
‘Are enslaved African Americans buried at Mount Harmon plantation? Space and reflection for national mourning and memorialising’, Mortality, 28:3, 510-525.
Obermeyer, B. 2016
‘“We call it put him away” contemporary Delaware burial practices and NAGPRA’, North American Archaeologist, 37:2, 112-135.
Pollack, C. 2003
‘Intentions of burial: mourning, politics and memorials following the massacre at Srebrenica’, Death Studies, 27:2, 125-42.
Pollack, C. 2003
‘Burial at Srebrenica: linking place and trauma’, Social Science and Medicine, 56:4, 793-801.
Renshaw, L. 2011
Exhuming Loss: Memory, Materiality and Mass Graves of the Spanish Civil War, Walnut Creek: West Coast.
Robledo Silvestre, C. 2021
‘Necrogeografía de la guerra entre los panteones y las fosas de Sinaloa’, Historia y Grafía, 56, 171-194.
Turnbull, P. 2002
‘Indigenous Australian people, their defence of the dead and native title’, in C. Fforde, J. Hubert & P. Turnbull (eds) The Dead and their Possessions: Repatriation in Principle, Practice and Policy, New York NY: Routledge, 63-86.
Van West, C. 2023
‘“We have no further interest in these patients until they die”: the US Public Health Services’ Syphilis Study and African American cemeteries in Macon County, Alabama’, in K. Fletcher & A. Towle (eds) Grave History: Death, Race and Gender in Southern Cemeteries, Athens: University of Georgia Press, 171-197.
Vignolo, P. 2013
‘¿Quién gobierna la ciudad de los muertos? Políticas de la memoria y desarrollo urbano en Bogotá’, Memoria y Sociedad, 17:35, 125-142.