The functions of cemeteries have been altered over the past decades. Urban growth, climate change and covid have fundamentally changed the way we think about cemeteries. In our previous research, we found that the primary function of cemeteries (burial place, memorial site) has not changed, but the secondary (green infrastructure, climate protection, cultural heritage protection) and tertiary functions (education, tourism, recreation, community service) have emerged. Multifunctional use and the enhancement of these functions require that cemeteries collect data related to each of these fields, use them during their daily operation and make some parts available to the public. In the 21st century, most people use the internet to find their way around, so the information available on each cemetery’s website is a key issue.
The multifunctional use of cemeteries is particularly important in large cities, so in our research we examined the information content of the websites of cemeteries that are members of ASCE and are located in the capital. In cases where several cemeteries in the capital are members of the association, we included the cemetery with the greater tradition in the research.
The websites were examined for information content relevant to each function. The research clearly showed that the information content of each cemetery differs considerably: some cemeteries have defined the main objective of their website as heritage protection and presentation of values, in addition to the information on their primary functions, and therefore the website contains information that is largely optimised for tourism. There are also cemeteries among the significant cemeteries where the main target group is the local population, and therefore information promoting recreation is included. Secondary information promoting the cemetery as an element of green infrastructure is what was missing from most of the websites: information on vegetation, especially trees, is mostly descriptive, with minimal data content. In order to change the latter practice, we intend to use our studies to establish a database for the complex development and presentation of cemeteries.