Andy Clayden 2018

University of Sheffield

Threshold, pathway, foci and space: A journey through two WW2 military cemeteries

This paper follows the same journey made through two WW2 military cemeteries located on the outskirts of the city of Luxembourg. These are the Luxembourg American Cemetery and Memorial designed by the architects Keally & Patterson and landscape architect Alfred Geiffert; and the German Military Memorial Cemetery designed by the landscape architect Robert Tischler. The paper uses original plans, drawings and photographs to explore how the designers responded to very different design briefs that were inevitably shaped by their respective experience of victory and defeat. Both cemeteries are enclosed by woodland and contain a similar number of individual graves yet through the designers’ manipulation of space, movement and materiality they each create very different experiences for visitors.


The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract