How many people are cremated, and how many buried?

Data on the number of deaths in the UK is held separately in England & Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. For the UK as a whole, the majority of deaths are followed by cremation. However, there is substantial regional difference.


Year Number of registered deaths Percentage of deaths followed by cremation [4]
England & Wales [1] 2022 576,896 80.93
Scotland [2] 2021 63,587 70.73
Northern Ireland [3] 2021 17,558 22.25


There were 315 crematoria in the UK in 2021. 

The Cremation Society of Great Britain collates a substantial amount of cremation data both nationally and internationally.

Certain religious groups do not favour cremation, including Muslim and Orthodox Jewish people.

Further reading: 

Rugg, J. & Parsons, B. (2018) Funerary Practices in England and Wales, Bingley: Emerald Publishing.