Agnieszka Wedeł-Domaradzka is a doctor of law and an Assistant Professor (Adjunct) at the Faculty of Law and Economics, Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz. She has published about 80 articles and book chapters in Polish and English and participated in about 15 international conferences. Her research interests include legal aspects of burial, voluntary and inflicted death, bioethics, the right to privacy, and the protection of human rights. In 2020, she received a grant from the National Science Center dedicated to ‘Legal aspects of burial – international and national standards in the face of contemporary challenges’. Her current research concerns the ‘Commemoration and Memory in Migration Context’.
A. Wedeł-Domardzka (2011) Śmierć i prawa człowieka [Death and human rights], Grado, Toruń.
A. Wedeł-Domardzka (2022) ‘On the need to protect cemeteries and memorials in Europe the perspective of the Convention on the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage and Hungarian and Polish regulations’, Central European Journal of Comparative Law, 3:2, 201-206.
A. Wedeł-Domardzka (2021) ‘Prawo do pochówku i prawo do sprawowania kultu w odniesieniu do osób zasłużonych wobec państwa i społeczeństwa – de lege lata i de lege ferenda [The right of burial and the right of worship in relation to persons of merit to the state and society – de lege lata and de lege ferenda]’ in K. Motyka (ed.), Prawa zmarłych? Wydawnictwo KUL, Lublin.