Primarily interested in nineteenth and twentieth century histories of death and burial in Ireland, specifically with reference to suicide and institutional burial but beyond that as well. The landscape of burial in Ireland is hugely complicated by the penal laws and subsequent Catholic Emancipation, and placing deviant burials in the broader context of normative burials is part of what I’m trying to do, as well as trying to understand what was a ‘typical’ burial. Locating older cemeteries in the landscape, and identifying the changes to the geography of burial is another aspect of my research as well. And just teaching about them.
G. Laragy (under contract) Suicide in Ireland, 1823-1914: A Social and Cultural History, Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.
G. Laragy (2022) ‘“Items in the sum of that great calamity”: suicide in Dublin during the Great Famine’, in E. Mark-Fitzgerald, C. McCabe & C. Reilly (eds) Dublin and the Great Irish Famine, Dublin, UCD Press.
G. Laragy (2021) ‘The Mother and Baby Home Report, 2021’ in S. Ryan (ed) Birth and the Irish: A Miscellany, Dublin: Wordwell, 370-377.
Find Georgina’s staff page at Trinity College, Dublin.