Image of Ioanna Paraskevopoulou

Ioanna Paraskevopoulou

Harokopio University, Greece

Who manages the dead bodies? Who is/are responsible for the burial site? What kind of inequalities and (human) rights can be traced there? Within the deathscape an everyday, ordinary necropolitics is being exercised: the art of governing dead bodies, involving a number of regulations, partners and patterns, and with a number of consequences for both the dead body and the site. A basic research interest is to explore these relationships and practices, and understand the corporeality of the cemetery in terms of its governmentality. The next research interest focuses on the deathscape’s socio-spatial inequalities, aiming to record human or more-than-human rights that are being questioned here. In addition, the peoples’ voices (users/visitors/employees) are also taken under consideration, researching their views and attitudes towards unequal, differentiating and, in some cases, violent dead-body politics. Current field research involves: mass graves and ossuaries, free-of-charge burials, lower-working class burial places in a contemporary and marginalized mass cemetery (Athens). Research interests relate and contribute to the discussion regarding necrogeography and necropolitics; human rights concepts; socio-spatial inequalities; living and dead bodies’ political stakes.

Paraskevopoulou, I. (2014) The First Cemetery of Athens: Historic Visions, Harokopio University of Athens [in Greek].

Paraskevopoulou, I. (2019) The cultural heritage of cemeteries’, in E. Georgitsoyanni (ed.) Ancient Greek Art and European Funerary Art, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 257-276.

Paraskevopoulou, I., Dermitzoglou, G, Kritikos, G. & Georgitsoyanni, E. (2022) ‘Tracing otherness in online cemetery audience research: the “Other” at the cemetery of Anastasis of Piraeus and the Third Cemetery of Athens’, Mortality, DOI.

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