French cemetery

Louis Dall’aglio

Environnement Ville Société (UMR 5600), France

My research focuses on the influence of ecological thought and practices in the evolution of the French cemeteries, particularly from a technical and anthropological point of view. It aims at interrogating the possibility for cemeteries to act as urban green spaces, their role in the urban biodiversity and the impact it has on our relationship with death. This research is done through a mixture of biological sciences techniques (species inventories, ecological analysis) and social science techniques (interviews, participant observation). This research is also sensitive to the role played by the evolution of the legislation in shaping the urban deathscape.

Dall’aglio L., Szende N., Voisin-Moncho G. & Von Koettlitz R. (2021) ‘Million dollar cimetière. Le rôle du processus de revente des tombes dans l’évolution du Cimetière Marin de Sète’, Urbanités, #15, 2-11.

Dall’aglio, L. (2022) ‘Image à la une. La laïcité dans l’espace public, de la théorie à la pratique : les carrés confessionnels dans les cimetières municipaux’, Géoconfluences, 1-7.

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