Marie Fruiquière is an architect and engineer in Town and Country Planning. She is a graduate of the École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Strasbourg/ENSAS and the College of Architecture and Urban Planning/CAUP of Tongji University in Shanghai (China). After studying the place of cemeteries in Chinese megacities, she is interested in the spatial reconfigurations of cemeteries in the light of ‘ecological transition’ dynamics for her PhD thesis. In particular, she is interested in the projectual processes of funerary spaces and their complex governance between stakeholders from the funerary sector, the urban fabric and the environment. Her research is directed by Denis Bocquet and co-supervised by Andreea Grigorovschi within the AMUP laboratory (ENSAS). She is currently under a CIFRE contract (Convention Industrielle de Formation par la Recherche en Entreprise) for the City and Eurometropolis of Strasbourg within the funerary service. Her research is also supported by the Palladio Foundation Grant (2021).
Fruquière, M. (2022) ‘Temps et spatialités du deuil dans le paysage urbain: Interférences pandémiques dans la constellation funéraire contemporaine’, in C. Fleury-Perkins & E. de Thoisy (eds) Soutenir, Ville, Architecture et Soin, Paris: Pavillon de l’Arsenal, 171-173.
Conference paper: Fruquière, M. (2022) ‘La “transition écologique”, support et sujet de recherche architecturale et urbaine en collectivité territoriale: Le doctorant-funambule ou le récit d’une thèse en CIFRE au Service Funéraire de la Ville et Eurométropole de Strasbourg’, 5e rencontres du réseau EnsaEco: Urgent! Propulser la transtion écologique : es intentions aux actions, 18-11-2022, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Toulouse.
Fruquière, M. (2019) ‘The Place of Death in Chinese Megacities, Spatial Reflections of Shanghai Cemeteries under Urban Transformations’, MA thesis, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Strasbourg/College of Architecture and Urban Planning de l’Université de Tongji.