WRoCAH (AHRC) funded PhD student researching the history and archaeology of body-snatching in Britain. Robert has extensive experience in the archaeological excavation of post-medieval burial grounds in London and is interested in funeral archaeology and medical history. Find his university staff page here.
Hartle, R. (2024) ‘The Corporation of Corpse-stealers’: archaeological and historical evidence of bodysnatching in early-eighteenth-century London’, in E. Craig-Atkins & and K. Harvey (eds) The Material Body: Embodiment, History and Archaeology in Industrializing England, 1700–1880, Manchester University Press.
Hartle, R. (2017) The New Churchyard: from Moorfields Marsh to Bethlem Burial Ground, Brokers Row and Liverpool Street, Museum of London Archaeology, Crossrail Archaeology Series 10.