Donatella is a full Professor of Geography at University of Catania (Italy). She attended an Executive Master in Agri-Business at the Catholic University of Milan, Italy. At present, she is teaching economic geography and implications with tourism and regional development. Research and publication interests include tourism geography; sustainable cities; religious tourism; e-tourism and food policies. In these fields, she published many scientific contributions. She is involved in several research projects in public and private sectors.
Privitera, D. (2016) ‘Cimiteri e turismo. potenzialità e valorizzazione di un fenomeno in crescita’, IN_BO. Ricerche E Progetti Per Il Territorio, La Città e l’architettura, 7:10, 265–273.
Graziano T., & Privitera D. (2020) ‘Cultural heritage, tourist attractiveness and augmented reality: insights from Italy’, Journal of Heritage Tourism, 15:6, 666-679.
Ivona A. & Privitera, D. (2023) ‘From food to religion: two case studies in the south of Italy’, International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage, 11:4, 54-66.