Flowers and plants

Clegg, F. 1984

‘Problems of symbolism in cemetery monuments’, Journal of Garden History, 4:3, 307–15.

Goody, J. & Poppi, C. 1994

‘Flowers and bones: approaches to the dead in Anglo-American and Italian cemeteries’, Journal of Contemporary Studies of Society and History, 36:1, 146-75.

Hyland, F. 2006

‘New Zealand burial grounds: change and continuity’, New Zealand Heritage Roses Journal, 27:2, 15-32

Jeffers, A. 2020

Animal, vegetable or mineral? performativity of living images in Highgate Cemetery’ in M-T. Mäder, A. Saviello & B. Scolari (eds) Highgate Cemetery: Image Practices in Past and Present, ebooks, Nomos, 329-348.

Lautenschläger T., Mandombe, J., Mawunu, M. & Neinhuis, C. 2020

‘Stories told by plants on graveyards in Northern Angola’, PLoS ONE, 15:8, e0236941.

Nugteren, A. 2016

‘Wood, water and waste: material aspects of mortuary practices in South Asia’, in F. Fabrizio & T. Dähnhardt (eds) Roots of Wisdom: Branches of Devotion: Plant Life in South East Asian Traditions, London: Equinox Publishing, 118-141.


The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract