Public health

Adeforiti, R. 2023

‘Public health implications of government negligence in human corpse management in South-West of Nigeria’, Pan-African Journal of Governance and Development, 4:1, 165-188.

Brooks, C. & Evans, D. 1993

‘Burial and the body politic: the building of Bartholomew Street Cemetery, Exeter’, Devon Buildings Group Research Papers, 1, 32-69.

De Lemps, X. 2021

‘A matter of grave concern: burial sites and funeral rites in the nineteenth-century Phillpines’, Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints, 69:2, 161-188

De Viana, L. 2004

‘Public sanitation and cemeteries in 19th century Manila’, Unitas 77:1, 87–132.

Joffré, G. 2004

‘La política borbónica del espacio urbano y el cementerio general (Lima, 1760-1820), Historica, 28: 1, 91-130.

Kwarteng Amoako-Gyampah, A. 2022

The public health question and mortuary politics in colonial Ghana’, Social History, 47:3, 290-314.

Neill, P. 2011

‘Classical architecture and the cultural politics of cemetery reform in early nineteenth-century Havana, Cuba’, The Latin Americanist, 55:2, 57-90.

Rugg, J. 2019

‘Burial reform in England: a reappraisal’, Histoire, Médecine, Santé, 16 (Hiver): 79-95.

Wilson, F. 2004

‘Indian citizenship and the discourse of hygiene/disease in 19th century Peru’, Bulletin of Latin American Research, 23: 2, 165-80.


The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract