Tourist experience

Millán, M., Perez Naranjo, L., Hernandez Rojar, R. & Millan Vazquez de la Torre, M. 2019

‘Cemetery tourism in Southern Spain: an analysis of demand’, Tourism and Hospitality Management, 25:1, 1-16

Pécsek, B. 2015

‘City cemeteries as cultural attractions: towards an understanding of foreign visitors’ attitudes at the national graveyard in Budapest’, DETUROPE: Cultural European Journal of Regional Development and Tourism, 7:1, 41-61 .

Stone, P. & Sharpley, R. 2008

‘Consuming dark tourism: a thanatological perspective’, Annals of Tourism Research, 35:2, 574-95.


The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract