Burial ground: Muslim

Afiouni, N. 2019

‘Transformations des lieux d’inhumation des musulmans dans le Grand Londres’, Revue des Mondes Musulmans et de la Médeterranée, 146, 139-154.

Akšamija, A. 2014

‘Cultivating convergence: the first Islamic cemetery in Vorarlberg, Austria’, International Journal of Islamic Architecture, 3:1, 131-46.

Aldeeb A. 2012

Cimetière Musulman en Occident : Normes Juives, Chrétiens et Musalmanes, Charleston : Createspace.

Balkan, O. 2018

‘The Islamic deathscapes of Germany’, Project on Middle East Political Science, 32, 39-43.

Cataldo, C. 2017

‘Discriminating against the dead: how to protect Muslim cemeteries from exclusionary land use mechanisms’, Boston College Law Review, 58:1, 1391-99.

Dafni, A., Lev, E., Beckmann, S. & Eichberger, C. 2006

‘Ritual plants of Muslim graveyards in northern Israel’,  Journal of Ethnobiology Ethnomedicine 2, 38.

Kadrouch-Outmany, K. 2016

‘Religion at the cemetery: Islamic burials in the Netherlands and Belgium’, Contemporary Islam, 10, 87-105.

Klapetek, M. 2017

‘Muslim areas at municipal cemeteries in Germany and Austria’, Studia Religiologica, 50:3, 203-220.

Parasapajouh, S. & Terrier, M. 2019

‘Cemeteries and tombs in the Muslim worlds at the crossroads of religion, politics and memorial issues: an introduction’, Revue des Mondes Musulmans et de la Médeterranée, 146, 1-28.


The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract