This member association links people working in the funeral industry across Latin America particularly and more globally.

Association of Natural Burial Grounds (UK)
The ANBG supports the establishment of, and professional practice in, natural burial grounds in the UK.

Australasian Cemeteries and Crematoria Association
ACCA provides leadership, professional services and communication to the cemetery and crematorium industry.

Cremation Association of North America
CANA is an international organization of over 3,500 members, composed of funeral homes, cemeteries, crematories, industry suppliers, and consultants.

Cremation Society of Great Britain
A UK charity promoting cremation nationally and internationally

FIAT-IFTA is a worldwide organization representing the funeral industry.

Funeral Services Association of Canada/Association des Services Funéraires du Canada
Promotes professional standards across the funeral services in North America.

Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management (UK)
The ICCM is a membership organisation for those that own, manage or work in cemeteries and crematoria in the UK.

International Cemetery, Cremation & Funeral Association (United States)
ICCFA is an international trade association representing all segments of the cemetery, funeral service, cremation and memorialization profession.

Nordiska Förbundet för Kyrkogårdar och Krematorier (NFKK)
The Nordiska Förbundet för Kyrkogårdar och Krematorier (NFKK) supports the work of practitioners and aims to share experiences across the Nordic countries.

Ontario Association of Cemetery and Funeral Professionals
The Ontario Association of Cemetery and Funeral Professionals (OACFP) is a non-profit association supporting death care professionals in Ontario, Canada.

South African Cemeteries Association
SACA promotes continuous improvement in the delivery of cemetery and crematoria services to all communities through South Africa.

Sveriges Kyrkogårds- och Krematorieförbund
The SKKF is a trade association for funeral professionals in Sweden.